This is the true and remarkable story
of private coinage and banking in Britain in the early years of the
Industrial Revolution (1775-1850). Making
money was a business in demand. The needs of business for
small denominations were changing. Merchants needed small
denomination coins in copper and silver.
The Royal Mint
couldn't be bothered. It made coins to serve the elites, not the new
and burgeoning working class. Free enterprise stepped in with a new
industry that truly saved the day—before the Crown cruelly
stamped it out and ended one of the most beautiful experiences with
private money in world history.
It is very likely you have
never heard of this episode. You can read dozens of histories of the
early years of capitalism and know nothing of this spectacular
industry – to say nothing of its lessons for today. What
is going on here? George Selgin, professor at the University of
Georgia, has discovered the monetary equivalent of the lost city of
Atlantis. He has written a full-scale historical narrative—one
that is deeply interesting and engaging—that has been largely
unknown, even to scholars of the Industrial Revolution.
It is
not only the first full-scale history of this episode ever written.
It is likely to maintain a place as the definitive work for many
decades. It is 400 pages, but always and everywhere very interesting.
It includes 20 pages of color photos. The prose is elegant, and the
method of analysis is thoroughly Rothbardian: this is flesh-and-blood
history of real human beings.
is an interview with the author.
He tells of the stories
of the merchants, the button makers who turned into coin makers, the
way the system worked, its wonderful innovations and its evolution,
and reveals the cruelty and destructiveness behind the government's
suppression of the industry.
The industry developed to the
point at which 20 independent mints
were involved in making coins. The private coins served the
merchants and the workers, while the government's currency served the
landed rich. The new industry was like capitalism itself: it was
designed for everyone to the benefit of everyone.
The private
coins tended to be better quality than the government's coins. Why?
Because private merchants could refuse them, and consumers could too.
There was competitive control over them and an inexorable tendency
for currency to improve in every way. That's why the book is called
"good money."
And what of Gresham's Law,
the tendency of "bad money" to drive out good money?
Selgin's account demonstrates something striking: it only holds under
government system of money which overvalue bad money. In a private
system, good money—like good products and services in a free
markets—outcompetes the low-quality money. In a market-based
money system, there is an inexorable tendency for good money to win
The story is riveting in its own right, not only as
monetary history but as business history. He has highlighted a
fantastic industry that has long gone unnoticed. But beyond that,
there is a massively important economic point. What Selgin has done
here is help us to understand something critically important: were
it not for the state, a wholly private money system would
emerge from market exchange. That means private coinage, private
weights and measures, market-driven exchange rates between different
kinds of monies, and a fully private banking system to go along it
with it.
In fact, this is precisely how money originates:
from the within the market. Why does the state intervene? The British
case is typical. The state wants to control the economy, tax the
economy, and control the people. If a fully private system comes
about, the state finds its job all-but impossible. That is why the
state takes over at the expense of private enterprise.
other words, the state is not responding here to a market failure but
a market success. It is not a "public goods" rationale that
leads to state intervention but old-fashioned jealousy over power and
wealth. Selgin's book shows this not through polemics but through a
completely new telling of real-life events about which we've
previously known next to nothing.
The story alone is engaging
and entertaining. But readers will have to brace themselves for the
conclusion: "The episode compels one to ask, first of all,
whether modern governments should be in the coin-making business at
all." He is right that "economists tend to take
governments' monetary prerogative for granted." This spectacular
book by Selgin could change that forever.
The impact of this
book, one of the most important historical narratives ever written by
an Austrian economist, will
be felt for many years. He has shown us the real history behind what
has been largely theory in previous works. Think of this as a
historical application of Mises's Theory of Money and Credit
or Rothbard's What Has Government Done to Our Money.
was the first Mises Institute scholarship student, and the
publication of this book by the University of Michigan Press was made
possible in part by the Mises Institute.
Foreword by Charles
A. E. Goodhart
Chapter 1 /
Britain's Big Problem
Chapter 2 / Druids, Willeys, and
Chapter 3 / Soho!
Chapter 4 / The People's
Chapter 5 / The Boulton Copper
Chapter 6 / Their Last
Chapter 7 / Prerogative Regained
Chapter 8 / Steam, Hot
Air, and Small Change
Chapter 9 /
page Hardcover, ISBN 978-0-472-11631-7